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02.05.2024, thursday, 20:15
Teatr Kameralny w Bydgoszczy - DUŻA SCENA, Bydgoszcz Grodzka 14-16, 85-105 Bydgoszcz
Wydarzenie z serwisu Partnerskiego Powyższa propozycja ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej serwisu Biletomat, w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego.


20:15-21:00 Patti Stiles and Rama Nicholas duo: The Gorgon Sisters (ENG)

Embark on a voyage into mythology. A mystical world of oracles, witches, and warriors. Encounter schemers, skilled hunters, and bone-chilling monsters. Beware the goddesses of love, caretakers of the dead, troublemakers and badasses.

The Gorgon Sisters, stories where females are more than just …
20:15-21:00 Patti Stiles and Rama Nicholas duo: The Gorgon Sisters (ENG)

Embark on a voyage into mythology. A mystical world of oracles, witches, and warriors. Encounter schemers, skilled hunters, and bone-chilling monsters. Beware the goddesses of love, caretakers of the dead, troublemakers and badasses.

The Gorgon Sisters, stories where females are more than just the obstacle in a male heroes’ tale.


Sold out

Strefa 1

Bilet normalny

40.00 zł


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