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“Truth, emotion and reaction.”

03.05.2024, friday, 14:00
Miejskie Centrum Kultury - Salonik, Bydgoszcz Marcinkowskiego 14-16, 85-056 Bydgoszcz
Wydarzenie z serwisu Partnerskiego Powyższa propozycja ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej serwisu Biletomat, w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego.


The ticket includes two days of workshops: 03.05. 14:00-17:00 and 04.05. 14:00-17:00

Rama Nicholas


In this workshop, we will explore narrative based stories though grounded, naturalistic scene-work. By playing with truth, through human emotionality and honest reactions, we can uncover our own personal, dynamic emotional range as improvisers. There will be an …
The ticket includes two days of workshops: 03.05. 14:00-17:00 and 04.05. 14:00-17:00

Rama Nicholas


In this workshop, we will explore narrative based stories though grounded, naturalistic scene-work. By playing with truth, through human emotionality and honest reactions, we can uncover our own personal, dynamic emotional range as improvisers. There will be an emphasis on slowing down, building trust, really connecting with and listening to your scene partner. Reacting not only to verbal offers but body language and physical offers. I will help guide the group to collectively understand what the story needs to explore and create juicy, dynamic stories and to support each other to make the boldest choices possible. Whether our scene-work is serious, comedic,

realistic or has elements of magical realism, our aim will be to truly inspire each other and ultimately our audience. Extraordinary things happen to ordinary people, this is the essence of

storytelling, by holding the metaphorical mirror up to our audience and community they then see themselves reflected back though our eyes, which creates a truer, more meaningful and deeper connection.

Teatr nie bierze odpowiedzialności za udział nieletnich uczestników w wydarzeniach, za ich udział odpowiedzialni są ich opiekunowie.
W każdym wydarzeniu opłatę ponosi uczestnik wraz z opiekunem.
Dyrekcja Teatru Kameralnego zastrzega sobie możliwość dokonania zmian w repertuarze.
Zakupione bilety podlegają zwrotowi jedynie w przypadku odwołania wydarzenia przez organizatora. Po rozpoczęciu wydarzenia udział w nim będzie niemożliwy. Prosimy widzów o punktualność.


Sold out

Strefa 1

Bilet normalny

390.00 zł


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